Inkjet Printer vs. Laser Printer - Post Thumbnail

Inkjet Printer vs. Laser Printer

We often get asked what printer is best to use, a laser or inkjet? Here are three advantages of making photopositives and photonegatives with inkjet printers over laser printers or thermal imagesetters.

Equipment Cost

Equipment cost is a lot lower with an inkjet printer. Inkjet printers are relatively inexpensive, and typically cost a fraction of what laser printers and imagesetters cost.

Achieve Higher Density Positives

AccuArt and AccuBlack are nearly clear films which allows UV light to pass-through and properly cure the stencil. When combined with AccuInk HD black ink, the printed image is nearly opaque, blocking most UV light and allowing for easy image development. Vellums and some other media, are more opaque in nature, which means the light will not transfer as easy during exposure. This will sometimes result in underexposure. Another concern is often the toner (black) areas of the positive are not opaque enough to block out light. This may cause light to transfer through these areas, leading to improper exposure which may yield imaging and washout problems.

Cold vs. Hot Process

Inkjet printing is a cold process. With laser and thermal printers, heat is involved in the process which can cause image distortion and shrinkage of the media. Yellowing is particularly evident with thermal printing. On-press registration with multiple colors is also a common problem with laser printed films since due to the distortion caused by the heated process.

Contact Chromaline With Any Questions

Don’t hesitate to contact Chromaline directly with any questions. Call (800) 328-4261 or email us any time. We are here to help and support you!

Also check out our Accu Products FAQ page for more information about our line of Accu products for inkjet printers, including: AccuArt, AccuJet, AccuBlack and AccuInk.